Saturday, January 10, 2009

Elluding HapPY New year day!!!!

A very happy new year to you all.. Hope everybody is having a great time… well its not the same with me… every time, as new year approaches… I know something is there around the corner for me….. a real HAPPY new year day is still eluding me… I’ve got many a stories to support this statement… its all started off when I was in 7th standard… I still remember all those ….

That day…I lied to my mom saying I need to buy a geometry box for maths course and she gave me 12 bucks…but I went on to buy a set of greeting cards for the fast approaching new year day.. as u all kknow.. its not a snow job to hide the truth from your parents…. result à  got beaten up to my ass!!!!

And.. I never bought a card there after on a New Year eve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

New year season when I was in 8th std was the one which I can not erase of my memory even if I get Alzheimers…. That December 23rd… I lost my father to heavens.….

Next few (new)year(day)s weren’t much better either… all is well when I joined bits but as the first semester comes to an end in December … I realized my gpa is not gonna be what I expected or hoped for…..and  that spoiled my year ending celebrations… ending of 2-1 wasn’t that bad cuz I got used to the idea of getting low cgpa :-) …

Ending of year 2007 was a bit different… I’ve got 20 days to prepare for campus placements and all I did is thinking about how to prepare…tension mounted … and it spoiled yet another Happy year ending season… by the time I came up with a perfect plan, there is no more time to prepare actually…. How sad… L

Year 2008 must have been a special one for everyone of u… I consider myself very lucky this year…’ve got a job, bought a guitar , read some great books, watched many more great movies, finished my graduation in 1st class (:D) , got trained from IISc in aero space module as a part of my job training and many many more….

As the year approaches its end… I was getting excited to see how this lucky year is going to say good bye… Guess what ?... this aint no different to the earlier one’s.. this time it is dec 16th that started all the mayhem… the DEAL… that went wrong… well if you know me, you know what im talking about…even if u don’t know me.. there is no prize for guessing what it is Or where am i working in…..but to a difference…the things were getting softened as new year day approaches and I even had a great time in the night of 30th with Yashwanth , vijay , sai and gucha courtesy those “magic moments”. J

Slumdog millionaire was the movie I was watching when we all entered into year 2009. good to start the year with a movie which has got a gripping screen play huh…..all is well but something keeps ticking me off inside that the new year gift is around the corner… this time…  it’s late by a week… I got to see that  surprise only on jan 7th… not only a surprise but also a shock … may its just another breaking news for others… a bucketful of fcuking shit for all the news channels….but , for us …it’s a special day… it really is…i aint gonna discuss how it happened or what could have happened...cuz nobody has got any damn idea...

I’ve got to tell you something here…Right from child hood we have seen many events that shook India.. could be the Bhopal gas tragedy or earth quakes in maharastra, train blasts , hijacks , kargil war , godhra incidents , major protests ,the tsunami….. recent bomb blasts all over india or the disastrous Mumbai 26/11 attacks….. I always wondered…whats in store for me…am I going to be a part of something like this???  Its not that I want to be a victim of those incidents or I would like to witness it…but… no one can outrun their destiny…. I told myself… may be something is  written for me too ….

Yes.. its written for me.. the day…jan 7th is a historic day in the Indian corporate world… and you know what … I am a part of that …. Yes.. Im a part of history…Its an exciting situation to be in .. nobody knows whats going on in there…blank faces all over…… the scenes all over my office resemble no less than a movie....but I felt nothing….absolutely nothing…..most of the time my status message says …IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE…its always been a wonderful one….I believe its changed now….it becomes… Its an Interesting life….I thought.. Okay….time has come.. Lets face it…worst could happen is I may loose my job… it may take time to find another one….. even if I cant make one.. I can go to my village and become a farmer… that’s certainly not a bad idea… JHope for the best and prepare for the worst…the motto I always believed…..

                        The other side of the coin!!!.. I may get into the shoe of a job which pays me more than what I earn now…. May be I can start a business ( first option for a jobless person)…. But what Im worried is… I may not meet the same kind of people with whom im working right now…..what ever… life goes on… in a way or other…..

  Amidst all this turmoil….i still feel things can go flip flop…. May be our new leaders are going to be the next Lee Iococcas…..may be  our company can become next Chrysler corporation… may be …may be…. The eluding HAPPY new year day could be the coming one ( 2010) and I may play guitar like a professional by then…  Like they said… HOPE….NEVER DIES…