Saturday, July 24, 2010

But, he is gone now!

Its been quite a while since I visited my own blog space. it was way back in early 2009... certainly dont feel good abt this delay... was writing now and then but dint feel like post them as i thought none of them was fine finished.. what ever! here im gonna post a thing (which i still feel unfinished) which i wrote more than a year ago... its been in my drafts all this time... read it like it is somewhere around September in 2009...

Last time I posted here was at the beginning of this eventful year. Almost 3/4th of this dairy is turned over and here we are now.It saw the last breaths of great leaders, sporting icons and one of the greatest entertainers that ever walked on to a stage. The king of pop, the moon walker is at rest now. Perhaps that is what he wanted most after all the allegations he fought in his life.
i would like to recollect a scene here from my college days..

In the first year of my engineering, as part of the bhawan culturals, a game called YES and NO (guess you know the rules!) was conducted in our hostel rooms. I’ll tell you how it is if you haven’t heard of it. You nominate one guy from your team to go to hot seat. He is provided with the answer which you need to dig out by asking him a max number of questions up to 20 to which he can answer only YES, NO or May be. it’s the game time and all the teams were cracking the answers at an average of 10 to 15 questions. There comes this pair. One of them sat in the hot seat and the first questions he faced from his team mate is “male or female ?” , the guy said MAY BE. To everybody’s ostentation, in the very moment, the guy shouted the answer "is it Michael Jackson?”… Damn !!!.. he did it with the first question and that is the best anybody can do in that game. Whole hall including me filled with gags for about sometime.
Although I appreciate those quick witted fellas, it triggered something inside me. Who are you laughing at, u Junk? I asked myself. The man who made billions of ppl foot tapping to his rhythm, who made millions of voices sing with his album records has become a laughing object to you?... I shut my mouth.

Later years..every now and then we saw news about his court proceedings out of all in which he came out clean. But, He always had to be a victim of the sarcastic projections of the media. A victim of his own fame. Never they mentioned his music then. Never they mentioned about his charity. Never they write about any fcuking good deeds he’d done. All they say is.."is he a gay.. has he secretly undergone the new nose surgery. Is Michael going crazier than ever?… how many children he molested till now?"....For gods sake, he might as well dead back then.! And now as it happened two months ago, everything is changed. He is a legend in every news channel..every news daily and every FM…everybody chant..How good Michael was… is Michael the God of music?.... in fact, the truth is’s a big loss for the Media itself. They’ve lost a major contributor to their revenue.
No wonder I often wonder how mean the world works. All of us tried to hurt him in a way or other and when he is no more, we now prepare to conceal all the shit we’ve done with the deepest condolences for him… did we actually love him?.. had we been shown at least 1% of what love we show over his corpse, he might have died in peace. all the love and tenderness we have for him NOW aint gonna make no no difference to him.... cuz he is gone farther and father where none of can i wonder quite often, Why cant we realize the importance of one when he is around us. Isn’t this going to change?...arnt we gonna do something abt it?.

have a happy day...So long!!


  1. arrei ee blogu nuvve rasthunnava leka evaranna ghost writersaa? neelo inko angle nicu. good post.

  2. and... i have learned something.thanksuu :)

  3. may i know who this is??? naa blog chala months tharvatha mallee chusaa.. chuste comments unnai :) .. nyhow.. thanks... naa blog ki nene ghost writer..main writer..everything...
