Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Friday night..Under the Full Moon Light!!

Hello all.. Here comes me again....... :) .. have a nice reading...

Few days back when I was about to come out of my workplace at 7 pm, all of a sudden there was a power failure causing darkness everywhere inside the office building. I always enjoy those moments when there is a sudden power failure.

It was big relief from strict study hours when I was in school and +2 collage. It is a big shock when I lost all the data in Engineering Graphics test. And it is a sweet surprise when sachin scores a hundred by the time power comes.

(A one sentence tribute to my dearest wingies at bits J)

It was even more fun in bits. When the power is gone…everybody comes out of their caves and do different things. I used to relax my eyes which were very tired of looking at my desktop watching movies or downloading songs. For gucha ( sri bhavani gurucharan) , those were ecstatic moments because otherwise he would have lost yet another AoE game. Vijay ( currently working in Microchip on 8 bit micro controller project :) :D ) would finally walks out of his room… reaches us… and make fun of us using some ADVD formulae jokes or discuss about his ave+ ave marks in courses where rest of us are struggling to open our accounts. krishnaditya who lives in a darkroom sorting out English mp3 albums doesn’t even know the power is gone unless his computer shutdown. Then we all here sai screaming like a wild horse and start playing dostana with whomever he touches first. Now, aadi seriously preparing to argue with somebody even though he has absolutely not aware of what others are talking about. Bandi the unofficial CGPA calculator of our group keeps silent all the time only to come into the picture whenever somebody talks about their declining CG and boosts them with some instant encouraging calculations. Chatu goes on phone with his ladylove. Yashwanth the genius crackes some laughers. But in all this fuss, there u find the group of fab(t) four having kadra , kishore , bachi and me. Each one of us comes up with “from tomoro morning” plans for loosing weight and getting sixpacks. Any how.. Congrats bachi , finally you are the one who did it.. From O to o courtesy his two ps-2 stations. I am very happy for you (L)…

Power has come now.. and everybody gets back into business but the four of are still there… for a long time…

Hmm.. lets come back to the beginning of this post… as I walked out of the darkened workplace building , to my amaze I could see the mighty brightness everywhere. Yes.. it was the full moon light on that night.. I felt it all over.. it was the scene !!.. Suddenly world looks very beautiful.. I went on to sit in the widow seat of my cab… I could still see the full moon through the window.
It drove me back to all my memories where I was at the top of my home in my village with my brother and sister. None of us would get down from the top if there is moon light. We often have our dinner also under the moon. We talk about our schools, collages and our lives... We even take a walk into the jasmine fields of our villagers. My goodness.. not everybody In the world are fortunate to experience that jasmine filled soft and cold breeze…haa…. . I hardly get sleep those nights!!!

Suddenly the Kannada FM played the track “aagale sangamaa” .. and no doubt.. this brought me back from all those memories.. My mann!!!.. this tune irritates me.. really!!

The track is over and I have gone back to the past again. This time. Its exactly 13 months ago on November 18th night 2007 I guess. We were on our way to Ooty from Bangalore. Yashwanth was sitting beside me in the bus. I woke him up at 4AM , shown him the wonderful full moon. We’ve seen it just for a moment but we captured it in our eyes! I could still see the image perfectly. what if god has given me the power to print that picture and show it to you?.. I am sure.. you all will be Delighted!!!!

Got down the bus and I started walking to our room. Did I tell u?... that was a Friday night!! I must say Friday night is the best thing that ever happens to an employee. There is nobody to stop you. 2 more nights are there to think about your worries. You can stay awake all the night. You can party.. u can jump .. u can fight.. u can dance.. and what not?? J … I feel.. Friday night means much more than what I said.. Now, in the days of Rescission … walking out of office gate without a pink slip in our hand is like a GREAT ESCAPE…. So.. grab it to the fullest.. Feel the free world which belongs to u only….

You know what I feel like doing?... on a Friday night.. under the full moon light.. listening to Garthbrooks ‘No fences’... and taking a walk.. with U….. and.. and.. I can die with happiness...
I wanted to write much more… may be I will do in the next post(year)!!!

Ciao soon!!!!

Merry chrismas!!!.. Happy new Year!!!…

PS: U can read this post in my friend’s blog on.. how he hates Monday

Friday, December 12, 2008

Review: Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi

My second post with the review of the much awaited movie of this year is here. Although I aint watch much of the bollywood flicks, i was very exited to watch this movie for a longtime… after listening to the tracks given by Salim Sulaiman and those promotional trailers where sharukh looks like never before , my interest grew further…

Time has come and I was at the innovative sharp at 9.30 last night. The sharukh’s show started at 10. I sat in between Vijay ( who is currently working in Microchip on 8 bit micro controller Project ) and Gucha ( I better not say much about him) , who is very poor in Hindi ( you’ll know why I said it!!)

Show started off!!

Suri ( srk) , a typical Punjabi guy working in Punjab Power corporation goes to attend the marriage of the daughter ( anushka sarma as Taani) of his teacher and falls for her at first sight. To his fortune , bridegrooms family met with an accident and nobody survives. Then ,the father down with heart stroke asks suri to marry taani. He takes their hands and place ther one in another and dies. And there is the married couple.
"Here is where gucha interpreted the meaning of the title that the father rubbed their hands together and made the couple ( rab ne bana di jodi)!!!."

But the shy and naïve suri who loves his wife soomuch can not express his love and she looks lost always. She joins a dance school for killing the time and to change herself. Suri in order to impress her, transforms himself into Raj , a cool charismatic and flamboyant character also joins the school but she cudnt notice him as her hubby (Suri in the name of extra working hours changes his appearance daily and goes to the dance school as raj).They happened to be the dancing partners for the competition amritsar ki No1 Jodi. Rest of the story is all about how suri shows all his love for her in name of raj, how they prepare for the competition and whom does she choose between them.

You don’t need to need ask any reviewer about how sharukh played it. Do you? But I can’t resist saying he is simply outstanding! Anushka sharma who played the female lead in the movie did a good job and one thing other than sharukh and music which grabs your attention is Her beautiful smile.

Music by salim sulaiman needs a special applause here. I still cant stop humming the title track. It haunts for quite sometime. Back ground is also worth mentioning.

Direction by aditya chopra after a long gap is good. Plot in the first half is very intresting and you will be disturbed to see ‘intermission’ on the screen. Story takes a slow ride in the second half and you may feel bored at a time… but... there it is again …. her smile and srk….

Finally.. Yes… you will laugh.. You will dance.. You will sing… a complete King Khan’s show… with my thumbs up.. I give 7.8/10 for this complete entertainer…

Note: Finally gucha also came to know what the meaning of the title is….


Finally.. yes!!!.. I have landed in here.. the blogging world… I thought of doing it for many days (years in fact) to keep a record of my life... but I dint need to write it down cuz each and every moment of those days is still with me and it will be…for ever… those were the days!!!.

Being born and brought up in a small remote village, I feel I had a great and peaceful childhood. All my schooling except SSC, I did in govt. schools and high schools. There were no home assignments, not a bundle of books and no teachers either :P…
I don’t remember much of my +2 study but I had a group of close buddies there..
There is My engineering. Those years at BITS- Pilani made me what I am now. I am not going to tell you how it was… I can easily write books about it… It Was Wonderful!!!…
Now.. here iam.. doing a job …. and .. and …. on a Wild Goose Chase as well…
So much is happened since I joined my job on 4th aug this year… 2 days ago when I looked back at what all happened in these 5 months ,all I could recollect Is very little … everybody can guess wats the reason behind … that’s what prompted me to go for a change and I choose this… to keep track of my wonderful life…Not a bad idea huh?.... in here, i am going to post about movies i watch, music, guitar, sports and last but not the least on Engineering also.

Before concluding my first post… Presenting myself to you…A fatty witty lovable and passionate…. siva !!….

And Here we go, TOGETHER ...