Friday, December 12, 2008


Finally.. yes!!!.. I have landed in here.. the blogging world… I thought of doing it for many days (years in fact) to keep a record of my life... but I dint need to write it down cuz each and every moment of those days is still with me and it will be…for ever… those were the days!!!.

Being born and brought up in a small remote village, I feel I had a great and peaceful childhood. All my schooling except SSC, I did in govt. schools and high schools. There were no home assignments, not a bundle of books and no teachers either :P…
I don’t remember much of my +2 study but I had a group of close buddies there..
There is My engineering. Those years at BITS- Pilani made me what I am now. I am not going to tell you how it was… I can easily write books about it… It Was Wonderful!!!…
Now.. here iam.. doing a job …. and .. and …. on a Wild Goose Chase as well…
So much is happened since I joined my job on 4th aug this year… 2 days ago when I looked back at what all happened in these 5 months ,all I could recollect Is very little … everybody can guess wats the reason behind … that’s what prompted me to go for a change and I choose this… to keep track of my wonderful life…Not a bad idea huh?.... in here, i am going to post about movies i watch, music, guitar, sports and last but not the least on Engineering also.

Before concluding my first post… Presenting myself to you…A fatty witty lovable and passionate…. siva !!….

And Here we go, TOGETHER ...


  1. Hey shiva great start man....i feel you can through some light in a new post about the wonderful memorable BITS life...wht say you..

  2. thanks keerthan. as i said, i can write books about it.. but yes i'll post moments here..

  3. may be those few extra pounds make you more lovable...sigh!!, game on :wink

  4. thnqq ra... u can expect at least one post per week... :D

  5. ok babai. all the best. appudappudu telugu kathalu kooda post cheyy
